#!/usr/bin/env bash # # mfprep tag1 [tag2] # # Find commits in bugfix-2.0.x that are not yet in 2.0.x. # # Specify a version tag to start from, and optional version tag to end at. # For bugfix-2.0.x the tag will be prefixed by bf- to distinguish it from the version tag, # so at every release be sure to create a bf- tag and publish it to origin. # SED=$(which gsed sed | head -n1) SELF=`basename "$0"` DRYRUN=0 [[ $# < 1 || $# > 2 ]] && { echo "Usage $SELF tag1 [tag2]" ; exit 1 ; } TAG1=$1 TAG2=${2:-"HEAD"} DEST=2.0.x # Validate that the required tags exist MTAG=`git tag | grep -e "^bf-$TAG1\$"` [[ -n "$MTAG" ]] || { echo "Can't find tag bf-$TAG1" ; exit 1 ; } MTAG=`git tag | grep -e "^$TAG1\$"` [[ -n "$MTAG" ]] || { echo "Can't find tag $TAG1" ; exit 1 ; } # Generate log of recent commits for bugfix-2.0.x and DEST TMPDIR=`mktemp -d` LOGB="$TMPDIR/log-bf.txt" LOG2="$TMPDIR/log-2x.txt" TMPF="$TMPDIR/tmp.txt" SCRF="$TMPDIR/update-$DEST.sh" git checkout bugfix-2.0.x git log --pretty="[%h] %s" bf-$TAG1..$TAG2 | grep -v '\[cron\]' | $SED '1!G;h;$!d' >"$LOGB" git checkout $DEST git log --pretty="[%h] %s" $TAG1..$TAG2 | $SED '1!G;h;$!d' >"$LOG2" || { echo "Can't find tag bf-$TAG1" ; exit 1 ; } # Go through commit text from DEST removing all matches from the bugfix log cat "$LOG2" | while read line; do if [[ $line =~ \(((#[0-9]{5}),* *)((#[0-9]{5}),* *)?((#[0-9]{5}),* *)?((#[0-9]{5}),* *)?((#[0-9]{5}),* *)?((#[0-9]{5}),* *)?\)$ ]]; then PATT="" for i in ${!BASH_REMATCH[@]}; do if ((i > 0 && (i % 2 == 0))); then if [[ -n "${BASH_REMATCH[i]}" ]]; then [[ -n "$PATT" ]] && PATT="$PATT|" PATT="$PATT${BASH_REMATCH[i]}" fi fi done #echo "... $PATT" [[ -n "$PATT" ]] && { grep -vE "$PATT" "$LOGB" >"$TMPF" ; cp "$TMPF" "$LOGB" ; } else PATT=$( $SED -E 's/^\[[0-9a-f]{10}\]( . )?(.+)$/\2/' <<<"$line" ) [[ -n "$PATT" ]] && { grep -v "$PATT" "$LOGB" >"$TMPF" ; cp "$TMPF" "$LOGB" ; } fi done # Convert remaining commits into git commands echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env bash\nset -e\ngit checkout ${DEST}\n" >"$TMPF" cat "$LOGB" | while read line; do if [[ $line =~ ^\[([0-9a-f]{10})\]\ *(.*)$ ]]; then CID=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} REST=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} echo "git cherry-pick $CID ;# $REST" >>"$TMPF" else echo ";# $line" >>"$TMPF" fi done mv "$TMPF" "$SCRF" chmod +x "$SCRF" ((DRYRUN)) && rm -r "$TMPDIR" || open "$TMPDIR"