
171 lines
5.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
// Formatter script for pins_MYPINS.h files
// Usage: mffmt [infile] [outfile]
// With no parameters convert STDIN to STDOUT
const fs = require("fs");
// String lpad / rpad
String.prototype.lpad = function(len, chr) {
if (!len) return this;
if (chr === undefined) chr = ' ';
var s = this+'', need = len - s.length;
if (need > 0) s = new Array(need+1).join(chr) + s;
return s;
String.prototype.rpad = function(len, chr) {
if (!len) return this;
if (chr === undefined) chr = ' ';
var s = this+'', need = len - s.length;
if (need > 0) s += new Array(need+1).join(chr);
return s;
const mpatt = [ '-?\\d+', 'P[A-I]\\d+', 'P\\d_\\d+' ],
definePatt = new RegExp(`^\\s*(//)?#define\\s+[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+\\s+(${mpatt[0]}|${mpatt[1]}|${mpatt[2]})\\s*(//.*)?$`, 'gm'),
ppad = [ 3, 4, 5 ],
col_comment = 50,
col_value_rj = col_comment - 3;
var mexpr = [];
for (let m of mpatt) mexpr.push(new RegExp('^' + m + '$'));
const argv = process.argv.slice(2), argc = argv.length;
var src_file = 0, src_name = 'STDIN', dst_file, do_log = false;
if (argc > 0) {
let ind = 0;
if (argv[0] == '-v') { do_log = true; ind++; }
dst_file = src_file = src_name = argv[ind++];
if (ind < argc) dst_file = argv[ind];
// Read from file or STDIN until it terminates
const filtered = process_text(fs.readFileSync(src_file).toString());
if (dst_file)
fs.writeFileSync(dst_file, filtered);
// Find the pin pattern so non-pin defines can be skipped
function get_pin_pattern(txt) {
var r, m = 0, match_count = [ 0, 0, 0 ];
definePatt.lastIndex = 0;
while ((r = definePatt.exec(txt)) !== null) {
let ind = -1;
if (mexpr.some((p) => {
const didmatch = r[2].match(p);
return r[2].match(p);
}) ) {
const m = ++match_count[ind];
if (m >= 10) {
return { match: mpatt[ind], pad:ppad[ind] };
return null;
function process_text(txt) {
if (!txt.length) return '(no text)';
const patt = get_pin_pattern(txt);
if (!patt) return txt;
const pindefPatt = new RegExp(`^(\\s*(//)?#define)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\\s+(${patt.match})\\s*(//.*)?$`),
noPinPatt = new RegExp(`^(\\s*(//)?#define)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\\s+(-1)\\s*(//.*)?$`),
skipPatt = new RegExp('^(\\s*(//)?#define)\\s+(AT90USB|USBCON|BOARD_.+|.+_MACHINE_NAME|.+_SERIAL)\\s+(.+)\\s*(//.*)?$'),
aliasPatt = new RegExp('^(\\s*(//)?#define)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_()]+)\\s*(//.*)?$'),
switchPatt = new RegExp('^(\\s*(//)?#define)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\\s*(//.*)?$'),
undefPatt = new RegExp('^(\\s*(//)?#undef)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\\s*(//.*)?$'),
defPatt = new RegExp('^(\\s*(//)?#define)\\s+([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\\s+([-_\\w]+)\\s*(//.*)?$'),
condPatt = new RegExp('^(\\s*(//)?#(if|ifn?def|else|elif)(\\s+\\S+)*)\\s+(//.*)$'),
commPatt = new RegExp('^\\s{20,}(//.*)?$');
const col_value_lj = col_comment - patt.pad - 2;
var r, out = '', check_comment_next = false;
txt.split('\n').forEach((line) => {
if (check_comment_next)
check_comment_next = ((r = commPatt.exec(line)) !== null);
if (check_comment_next)
// Comments in column 45
line = ''.rpad(col_comment) + r[1];
else if ((r = pindefPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #define MY_PIN [pin]
if (do_log) console.log("pin:", line);
const pinnum = r[4].charAt(0) == 'P' ? r[4] : r[4].lpad(patt.pad);
line = r[1] + ' ' + r[3];
line = line.rpad(col_value_lj) + pinnum;
if (r[5]) line = line.rpad(col_comment) + r[5];
else if ((r = noPinPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #define MY_PIN -1
if (do_log) console.log("pin -1:", line);
line = r[1] + ' ' + r[3];
line = line.rpad(col_value_lj) + '-1';
if (r[5]) line = line.rpad(col_comment) + r[5];
else if ((r = skipPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #define SKIP_ME
if (do_log) console.log("skip:", line);
else if ((r = aliasPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #define ALIAS OTHER
if (do_log) console.log("alias:", line);
line = r[1] + ' ' + r[3];
line += r[4].lpad(col_value_rj + 1 - line.length);
if (r[5]) line = line.rpad(col_comment) + r[5];
else if ((r = switchPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #define SWITCH
if (do_log) console.log("switch:", line);
line = r[1] + ' ' + r[3];
if (r[4]) line = line.rpad(col_comment) + r[4];
check_comment_next = true;
else if ((r = defPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #define ...
if (do_log) console.log("def:", line);
line = r[1] + ' ' + r[3] + ' ';
line += r[4].lpad(col_value_rj + 1 - line.length);
if (r[5]) line = line.rpad(col_comment - 1) + ' ' + r[5];
else if ((r = undefPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #undef ...
if (do_log) console.log("undef:", line);
line = r[1] + ' ' + r[3];
if (r[4]) line = line.rpad(col_comment) + r[4];
else if ((r = condPatt.exec(line)) !== null) {
// #if ...
if (do_log) console.log("cond:", line);
line = r[1].rpad(col_comment) + r[5];
check_comment_next = true;
out += line + '\n';
return out.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n').replace(/\n\n$/g, '\n');