
348 lines
14 KiB

import argparse
import sys
import os
import time
import random
import serial
import MarlinBinaryProtocol
# Upload Callback #
def Upload(source, target, env):
# Debug #
Debug = False # Set to True to enable script debug
def debugPrint(data):
if Debug: print(f"[Debug]: {data}")
# Marlin functions #
def _GetMarlinEnv(marlinEnv, feature):
if not marlinEnv: return None
return marlinEnv[feature] if feature in marlinEnv else None
# Port functions #
def _GetUploadPort(env):
debugPrint('Autodetecting upload port...')
portName = env.subst('$UPLOAD_PORT')
if not portName:
raise Exception('Error detecting the upload port.')
return portName
# Simple serial functions #
def _OpenPort():
# Open serial port
if port.is_open: return
debugPrint('Opening upload port...')
def _ClosePort():
# Open serial port
if port is None: return
if not port.is_open: return
debugPrint('Closing upload port...')
def _Send(data):
debugPrint(f'>> {data}')
strdata = bytearray(data, 'utf8') + b'\n'
def _Recv():
clean_responses = []
responses = port.readlines()
for Resp in responses:
# Suppress invalid chars (coming from debug info)
clean_response = Resp.decode('utf8').rstrip().lstrip()
debugPrint(f'<< {clean_response}')
return clean_responses
# SDCard functions #
def _CheckSDCard():
debugPrint('Checking SD card...')
Responses = _Recv()
if len(Responses) < 1 or not any('SD card ok' in r for r in Responses):
raise Exception('Error accessing SD card')
debugPrint('SD Card OK')
return True
# File functions #
def _GetFirmwareFiles(UseLongFilenames):
debugPrint('Get firmware files...')
_Send(f"M20 F{'L' if UseLongFilenames else ''}")
Responses = _Recv()
if len(Responses) < 3 or not any('file list' in r for r in Responses):
raise Exception('Error getting firmware files')
return Responses
def _FilterFirmwareFiles(FirmwareList, UseLongFilenames):
Firmwares = []
for FWFile in FirmwareList:
# For long filenames take the 3rd column of the firmwares list
if UseLongFilenames:
Space = 0
Space = FWFile.find(' ')
if Space >= 0: Space = FWFile.find(' ', Space + 1)
if Space >= 0: FWFile = FWFile[Space + 1:]
if not '/' in FWFile and '.BIN' in FWFile.upper():
Firmwares.append(FWFile[:FWFile.upper().index('.BIN') + 4])
return Firmwares
def _RemoveFirmwareFile(FirmwareFile):
_Send(f'M30 /{FirmwareFile}')
Responses = _Recv()
Removed = len(Responses) >= 1 and any('File deleted' in r for r in Responses)
if not Removed:
raise Exception(f"Firmware file '{FirmwareFile}' not removed")
return Removed
def _RollbackUpload(FirmwareFile):
if not rollback: return
print(f"Rollback: trying to delete firmware '{FirmwareFile}'...")
# Wait for SD card release
# Remount SD card
print(' OK' if _RemoveFirmwareFile(FirmwareFile) else ' Error!')
# Callback Entrypoint #
port = None
protocol = None
filetransfer = None
rollback = False
# Get Marlin evironment vars
MarlinEnv = env['MARLIN_FEATURES']
marlin_pioenv = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'PIOENV')
marlin_motherboard = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'MOTHERBOARD')
marlin_board_info_name = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'BOARD_INFO_NAME')
marlin_board_custom_build_flags = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'BOARD_CUSTOM_BUILD_FLAGS')
marlin_firmware_bin = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'FIRMWARE_BIN')
marlin_long_filename_host_support = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'LONG_FILENAME_HOST_SUPPORT') is not None
marlin_longname_write = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'LONG_FILENAME_WRITE_SUPPORT') is not None
marlin_custom_firmware_upload = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_UPLOAD') is not None
marlin_short_build_version = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'SHORT_BUILD_VERSION')
marlin_string_config_h_author = _GetMarlinEnv(MarlinEnv, 'STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR')
# Get firmware upload params
upload_firmware_source_path = os.path.join(env["PROJECT_BUILD_DIR"], env["PIOENV"], f"{env['PROGNAME']}.bin") if 'PROGNAME' in env else str(source[0])
# Source firmware filename
upload_speed = env['UPLOAD_SPEED'] if 'UPLOAD_SPEED' in env else 115200
# baud rate of serial connection
upload_port = _GetUploadPort(env) # Serial port to use
# Set local upload params
upload_firmware_target_name = os.path.basename(upload_firmware_source_path)
# Target firmware filename
upload_timeout = 1000 # Communication timout, lossy/slow connections need higher values
upload_blocksize = 512 # Transfer block size. 512 = Autodetect
upload_compression = True # Enable compression
upload_error_ratio = 0 # Simulated corruption ratio
upload_test = False # Benchmark the serial link without storing the file
upload_reset = True # Trigger a soft reset for firmware update after the upload
# Set local upload params based on board type to change script behavior
# "upload_delete_old_bins": delete all *.bin files in the root of SD Card
upload_delete_old_bins = marlin_motherboard in ['BOARD_CREALITY_V4', 'BOARD_CREALITY_V4210', 'BOARD_CREALITY_V422', 'BOARD_CREALITY_V423',
# "upload_random_name": generate a random 8.3 firmware filename to upload
upload_random_filename = upload_delete_old_bins and not marlin_long_filename_host_support
# Heatshrink module is needed (only) for compression
if upload_compression:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
import heatshrink2
except ImportError:
print("Installing 'heatshrink2' python module...")
env.Execute(env.subst("$PYTHONEXE -m pip install heatshrink2"))
import heatshrink
except ImportError:
print("Installing 'heatshrink' python module...")
env.Execute(env.subst("$PYTHONEXE -m pip install heatshrink"))
# Start upload job
print(f"Uploading firmware '{os.path.basename(upload_firmware_target_name)}' to '{marlin_motherboard}' via '{upload_port}'")
# Dump some debug info
if Debug:
print('Upload using:')
print('---- Marlin -----------------------------------')
print(f' PIOENV : {marlin_pioenv}')
print(f' SHORT_BUILD_VERSION : {marlin_short_build_version}')
print(f' STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR : {marlin_string_config_h_author}')
print(f' MOTHERBOARD : {marlin_motherboard}')
print(f' BOARD_INFO_NAME : {marlin_board_info_name}')
print(f' CUSTOM_BUILD_FLAGS : {marlin_board_custom_build_flags}')
print(f' FIRMWARE_BIN : {marlin_firmware_bin}')
print(f' LONG_FILENAME_HOST_SUPPORT : {marlin_long_filename_host_support}')
print(f' LONG_FILENAME_WRITE_SUPPORT : {marlin_longname_write}')
print(f' CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_UPLOAD : {marlin_custom_firmware_upload}')
print('---- Upload parameters ------------------------')
print(f' Source : {upload_firmware_source_path}')
print(f' Target : {upload_firmware_target_name}')
print(f' Port : {upload_port} @ {upload_speed} baudrate')
print(f' Timeout : {upload_timeout}')
print(f' Block size : {upload_blocksize}')
print(f' Compression : {upload_compression}')
print(f' Error ratio : {upload_error_ratio}')
print(f' Test : {upload_test}')
print(f' Reset : {upload_reset}')
# Custom implementations based on board parameters
# Generate a new 8.3 random filename
if upload_random_filename:
upload_firmware_target_name = f"fw-{''.join(random.choices('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', k=5))}.BIN"
print(f"Board {marlin_motherboard}: Overriding firmware filename to '{upload_firmware_target_name}'")
# Delete all *.bin files on the root of SD Card (if flagged)
if upload_delete_old_bins:
# CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_UPLOAD is needed for this feature
if not marlin_custom_firmware_upload:
raise Exception(f"CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_UPLOAD must be enabled in 'Configuration_adv.h' for '{marlin_motherboard}'")
# Init & Open serial port
port = serial.Serial(upload_port, baudrate = upload_speed, write_timeout = 0, timeout = 0.1)
# Check SD card status
# Get firmware files
FirmwareFiles = _GetFirmwareFiles(marlin_long_filename_host_support)
if Debug:
for FirmwareFile in FirmwareFiles:
print(f'Found: {FirmwareFile}')
# Get all 1st level firmware files (to remove)
OldFirmwareFiles = _FilterFirmwareFiles(FirmwareFiles[1:len(FirmwareFiles)-2], marlin_long_filename_host_support) # Skip header and footers of list
if len(OldFirmwareFiles) == 0:
print('No old firmware files to delete')
print(f"Remove {len(OldFirmwareFiles)} old firmware file{'s' if len(OldFirmwareFiles) != 1 else ''}:")
for OldFirmwareFile in OldFirmwareFiles:
print(f" -Removing- '{OldFirmwareFile}'...")
print(' OK' if _RemoveFirmwareFile(OldFirmwareFile) else ' Error!')
# Close serial
# Cleanup completed
debugPrint('Cleanup completed')
# WARNING! The serial port must be closed here because the serial transfer that follow needs it!
# Upload firmware file
debugPrint(f"Copy '{upload_firmware_source_path}' --> '{upload_firmware_target_name}'")
protocol = MarlinBinaryProtocol.Protocol(upload_port, upload_speed, upload_blocksize, float(upload_error_ratio), int(upload_timeout))
#echologger = MarlinBinaryProtocol.EchoProtocol(protocol)
# Mark the rollback (delete broken transfer) from this point on
rollback = True
filetransfer = MarlinBinaryProtocol.FileTransferProtocol(protocol)
transferOK = filetransfer.copy(upload_firmware_source_path, upload_firmware_target_name, upload_compression, upload_test)
# Notify upload completed
protocol.send_ascii('M117 Firmware uploaded' if transferOK else 'M117 Firmware upload failed')
# Remount SD card
print('Wait for SD card release...')
print('Remount SD card')
# Transfer failed?
if not transferOK:
# Trigger firmware update
if upload_reset:
print('Trigger firmware update...')
protocol.send_ascii('M997', True)
print('Firmware update completed' if transferOK else 'Firmware update failed')
return 0 if transferOK else -1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Aborted by user')
if filetransfer: filetransfer.abort()
if protocol:
except serial.SerialException as se:
# This exception is raised only for send_ascii data (not for binary transfer)
print(f'Serial excepion: {se}, transfer aborted')
if protocol:
raise Exception(se)
except MarlinBinaryProtocol.FatalError:
print('Too many retries, transfer aborted')
if protocol:
except Exception as ex:
print(f"\nException: {ex}, transfer aborted")
if protocol:
print('Firmware not updated')
# Attach custom upload callback